Jalapeño Fresco


I am not now – nor have I ever been an employee of Wendy’s.

But I readily admit that both the Baconator and the Son of Baconator have been two of my favorite fast food sandwiches for the last decade. And since I like the hot & spicy – both food & women – I had to try the Jalapeño Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich that I saw advertised on TV.


So I tried Wendy’s Jalapeño Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich yesterday. According to Wendy’s online ad, here’s how it’s constructed:

We’re kicking up the heat with 5 layers of spice on our new Jalapeño Fresco Spicy Chicken sandwich. It’s our classic spicy chicken breast topped with fresh, diced jalapeños, ghost pepper sauce, Colby pepper jack cheese all on a red jalapeño bun. It’s too hot to last, so try one today!


Hopefully, you read this before you waste your hard-earned six bucks on this garbage on a stale roll.

It was a dreadful compilation of tangs and spices that fought with each other like the world was coming to an end – instead of blending. And there was some sort of green stuff on top that, I guess, was supposed to enhance the presentation – because it certainly did nothing to enhance the taste.

I didn’t like the first bite – or the second – but kept taking bites hoping that I’d start enjoying it at some point.

But no.

It never got any better – so I tossed the uneaten half – better served winding up in a trash can rather than my stomach.

In addition to being the official Eagles Outsider for BlameMyFather.com, Barry Bowe is also the author of:

8 years ago
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Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.