Chip Kelly’s Disconnection

From the Desk of Eagles Outsider Barry Bowe

eagles outsider imageChip Kelly’s disconnection is rooted in his DNA – and here’s a perfect example from my personal observations.

Let’s flashback to one night when I was listening to Jon Johnson on WIP on the car radio as I was driving. The date is important. It was last April 10 – a Monday night – and Jon was announcing some breaking news:

The Eagles just signed Tim Tebow.

tim tebow imageWow. A shocker – and quite a coincidence.

It’s a coincidence because I was driving to the home of an acquaintance. That acquaintance just happens to have been an assistant coach on Chip’s staff.

Amazing timing.

I’ve never imposed upon our relationship by trying to pry information from him. So he shall remain nameless to preserve that relationship.

Getting back to the story. When I arrived, the coach’s wife greeted me at the door and the conversation went pretty much like this.

“Hey, (Coach’s Wife).” And I smiled. “Bet you’ve got a surprise about the Eagles to share with me.”

Since this was now public information, I had no problem addressing it. But her expression was blank. Either she had no idea what I was talking about – or she was a good actress.

“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about,” she said.

“The Eagles just signed Tim Tebow.”

Her expression turned to surprise. She wasn’t acting. “(Coach),” she yelled into the interior of the home. “Come here and listen to what Barry just told me.”

I told the coach that the Eagles just signed Tim Tebow.

He asked me if I were kidding.

I assured him the news was announced on WIP as I was driving to his house.He told me he had no idea – and he was serious.

eagles outsider imageThis bit of information resonated inside my brain like Mister T slamming a sledge hammer onto an anvil. Chip Kelly didn’t discuss the signing of Tim Tebow with his coaching staff.

How in hell was that possible?

The answer has become quite clear over the last few weeks:

  • Chip Kelly isolates himself.
  • He’s a disconnected, egotistical demagogue who lacks the most basic of people skills.
  • And he’s destroyed the Eagles franchise to the extent that it will take years to repair.

Now, the reason I’m writing about this today is that I just heard Michael Barkann ask Jason La Canfora – from CBS Sports – if Jeff Lurie should’ve retained Chip Kelly. That – plus I still keep hearing callers and hosts asking the same question.

Are you kidding me?

That man smashed our team to smithereens – and you want to keep him?

Are you kidding me?

If I had a Bible in the house, my left hand would be placed upon it and my right hand would be raised:

“I swear that this is the truth and nothing but the truth – so help me, God.”

In addition to being the official Eagles Outsider for, Barry Bowe is also the author of:

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.