Chip Suffers from Megalomania

From the desk of Eagles Outsider Barry Bowe

Webster defines megalomania as a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur.

DNP Coach’s Decision

sam bradford imageBy now we know that both Sam Bradford and DeMarco Murray sat out the first preseason game against the Colts last Sunday – DNP Coach’s Decision. But we still don’t really know why.demarco murray image

So the question of “why” had to come up in the post-game press conference on Sunday – and it did. A reporter asked a legitimate question:

“Would your explanation for holding back Murray be the same as the one you gave for holding Sam Bradford back?”

“You can write whatever you want,” Chip shot back. “I really don’t care what you guys write to be honest with you.”

Disgust and Contempt

How do you think that reporter felt?


But Chip Kelly was not only treating that reporter with disgust and contempt, he was also treating every Eagles fan out there with disgust and contempt. Eagles fans, that reporter was asking that question on your behalf.

But Chip Kelly – pardon my French – Chip Kelly doesn’t give a shit about any single one of you Eagles fans out there. And you know what’s even worse?

More French – Chip Kelly doesn’t give a shit about his players either. All he cares about is, well, all he cares about is Chip Kelly. You see, Chip suffers from megalomania. And, now, thanks to poor decisions by Jeff Lurie, Chip Kelly is in perfect position to dictate to all those under him.

As a card-carrying megalomaniac, Chip has an obsession with the exercise of power – especially in the domination of others.

Think I’m stretching a point?

Just ask DeSean Jackson, Howie Roseman, LeSean McCoy, Nick Foles, Evan Mathis, and Brandon Boykin what they think.

Success or Failure?

Megalomaniacs often succeed – for a while. But they are all doomed to eventual failure.

As Eagles fans, we can only hope that Chip sees the errors of his ways and makes the changes that need to be made. But megalomaniacs rarely see any errors in their ways.

Hope I’m Wrong

I believe every word I’ve just written – but I hope I’m wrong.

In addition to being an official Eagles Outsider, Barry Bowe is also the author of:


Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.