Eagles Dumped Cary Williams

cary williams imageTwo years ago, Cary Williams ducked OTAs to oversee the installation of sconces in his new home. Since then, he’s been abused by wide receivers and fallen prey to committing dumb, ill-timed penalties that hurt the team.

Today, he’s no longer an Eagle.

The Eagles dumped Cary Williams right around noon today. He will still cost the Eagles $1.67-million in dead money allocated to the 2015 salary cap, but the move saves the Birds $6.5-million in cap space. Williams was scheduled to make $8.167-milllion this season.

“They didn’t give me a chance to take a pay cut or come back to the team,” Williams said in a radio interview on WPEN-FM. “That’s their decision.”

And a good decision it was.

“Don’t let the proverbial door hit you in the proverbial ass on the way out” is what I have to say.

It’s a good move by the Eagles, but it means that three positions in the defensive backfield must now be filled.

Hopefully, this means the Eagles will sign a high-profile free agent – or two – to fill the vacancies.

Hopefully, it also means that Chip Kelly needs his draft choices to fill the rest of the Eagles’ needs – i.e. Chip won’t be giving up numerous draft choices by trading up to get Marcus Mariota.

Barry Bowe is the author of Born to Be Wild and 1964 – The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant.

10 years ago
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Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.