Nicky Football

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I’m going to defy what Matthew said in 6:24 above. I’m going to be serving two masters in the 2015 NFL season ahead – and I’m going to succeed.


I’m neither trying to serve God nor money.

If I were trying to serve God, I’d be going to Mass every Sunday, on holy days of obligation, and on Christmas and Easter. I’d be confessing my sins and receiving Holy Communion regularly, and I’d be tithing to the church. But I don’t do any of that.

If I were trying to serve money, I’d have been a millionaire two times over by now. But I’m not rich because – pardon my French – I don’t give a shit about money.

But like I said, this season I’ll be serving two masters. Those two masters are Nick Foles and the Philadelphia Eagles.

nick foles imageFor those who don’t know, I have a Nicky Football FanPage on Facebook and I post content just about every day. I started it because I believed – and I still believe – that Nick Foles is a franchise quarterback who’s going to lead his team to the Super Bowl. I’d hoped that the team would’ve been the Eagles – but that’s no longer possible. Not since the Eagles traded Nicky Football to the St. Louis Rams for Sam Bradford.

I was going to delete my Nicky Football FanPage because it seemed like a conflict of interest to continue it. But there are a few hundred Nick Foles and/or Eagles fans who go there to consume the content I post. So I say “the hell with it.” The only time that Nicky Football could go head-to-head with the Eagles this season would be if the Birds and Rams meet to decide the NFC championship.

If that happens, I will be hoping that Nicky Football shows himself well, but I will, of course, be rooting for an Eagles victory.

So, yesterday, I swapped headers over at Nicky Football – trading in this one . . .

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. . . for this one.

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As much as I like Nick Foles, here’s an excerpt from a piece I wrote here back on January 28 – “Trade Nick Foles – Now.”

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And as much as I miss seeing what Nick Foles might’ve done with the Eagles, I’m glad to see him with a coach who – at least publicly – embraces him. Which is 180 degrees opposed to the shabby treatment he got from Chip Kelly.

Here’s what Rams coach Jeff Fisher had to say about Nick Foles –

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So I wish Nick Foles the best for 2015 – and I’ll be keeping Nicky Football alive while I root for Sam Bradford and the Eagles – or for whoever takes the snaps in Philly.

Barry Bowe is the author of Born to Be Wild, 1964 – The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant, and 12 Best Eagles QBs.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.

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