Stephen A. Smith – Masturbator

stephen a smith imageRace-Baiter

Stephen A. Smith is not only a race-baiter – I’d toss him into the same boat with the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton – but he is also a masturbator.

On Monday’s episode of First Take on ESPN, Smitty insinuated that Chip Kelly was a racist. His rationale was that Chip didn’t want DeSean Jackson, LeSean McCoy, and Jeremy Maclin in the Eagles locker room because they were black.

“Chip Kelly makes decisions over the last couple of years that, dare I say, leave a few brothers feeling uncomfortable. I think that’s fair to say. I mean, we’re sitting here looking at some decisions that Chip Kelly makes and I’m like ‘What is up? What’s up with that?’ I mean. it’s like you;ve got to be his kind of guy, you know> And I’m like, well, Riley Cooper’s your kind of guy?” – Stephen A. Smith on First Take

Snowballs & Riley Cooper

And just like that, Eagles fans, Riley Cooper has been added to the arsenal for lazy journalists that contains “throwing snowballs at Santa Claus.”

But, Smitty, you neglected to mention that Chip tried to re-sign Maclin who opted for more money in the green pastures of Kansas City.

You forgot to mention that Chip let Trent Cole go – and Trent Cole is black. That would’ve bolstered your weak conjecture, but it seems like Trent Cole’s name doesn’t carry enough clout with NFL fans at-large for you to mention that “brother.”

And, Smitty, you also neglected to mention that Chip removed James Casey and Todd Herremans for the Eagles locker room. But they’re both white and thus don’t fit your hypothesis.

“The operative word is ‘culture.’ The culture is what resonates with me more profoundly because I’m looking at Chip Kelly and I’m like ‘Really?’

Now, you’ve got to remember, where did I work for sixteen years? I mean, this is Philadelphia. You understand what I’m saying? I’m always in Philly, and I’m telling you right now you’ve got people walking the streets – and hell with it – you;ve got brothers walking the streets going like ‘What’s up with Chip? I don;t understand this. I really don’t understand what you’re doing.’

Now I’m not saying I know. I’m just saying that it does strike me a tad bit odd. I’m going to repeat thus. Gone: LeSean McCoy, Jeremy Macklin, you know, DeSean Jackson. Staying: Riley Cooper. Really? Really? OK?” – more Stephen A. Smith on First Take

Come on, Smitty, when was the last time you were talking to “brothers” while you were walking around the streets of Philly?

And how is your premise going to fit if and when Chip trades lily-white Nick Foles for a Samoan named Marcus Mariota?

For crying out loud, Smitty, you failed to notice that Chip signed Byron Maxwell and tried to sign Frank Gore – who are both “brothers.” I won’t chastise you for not mentioning that Chip signed Brandon Graham, a black player, on Monday afternoon. That happened after your show went off the air. But if Chip were the racist you outed, why would he sign yet another black player?

White Eagles

Now, my journalism would be negligent and one-sided if I failed to mention an article in Allentown’s Morning Call written by Nick Fierro near the beginning of the 2014 season – “Eagles Almost as White as They Are Black.”

In the article, Nick points out that there were 25 white players on the Eagles roster at the beginning of the 2014 season – which was the highest number of whites on any team in the NFL. The Houston Texans were next with 20 white players. But with 53 players constituting an NFL roster, black players still out-numbered whites on the Eagles.

Is this high percentage of white players on the Eagles a coincidence? Or – as Smitty hints – is this part of a devious scheme that racist Chip Kelly concocted?

Personally – don’t know – don’t care. Perhaps I’m a racist as well – in Smitty’s book – but at least I’m not a masturbator.

Barry Bowe is the author of:

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.