Time to Hire a P.I.?

Daryl Worley Tased

Police officers in South Philly used the taser on Daryl Worley around 6 o’clock this morning. Seems the cornerback the Eagles recently obtained passed out behind the wheel of a car near the intersection of Broad and Pattison. Not far from the NovaCare facility.

A concerned citizen placed a 911-call to report the situation.

When officers responded to the call, Worley became combative to the point where the officers felt a taser was necessary to subdue him.

A gun was recovered at that time. Don’t know if the weapon was registered or not. Or if the miscreant was licensed to carry or not.

The Eagles acquired him in March when they traded Torrey Smith to the Panthers.

In 2014, Worley pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor assault charge at a nightclub in Morgantown, WV. That charge stemmed from an altercation with a female.

Time to Hire a P.I.?

Dear Howie Roseman:

Seems you’re not performing due diligence. First during this off-season, you acquired Michael Bennett who has a shady past and is currently under indictment on assault charges.

Recent scuttlebutt says that in addition to roughing up a 66-year-old woman in a wheelchair, Bennett was involved in an altercation with a 28-year-old female at the same time.

And now, this guy.

Maybe it’s time to add Margum P.I. or Rockford to your staff.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.

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