Ambushed on WIP

There was great radio yesterday on the Innes and Bruno Show. Somebody even wound up getting ambushed on WIP.

The fuse was lit when Joey – who refused to supply a last name – was a guest. This Joey is a prime mover of TerezOwens – a gossip website that bills itself as “your leading sources for sports gossip and sports celebrity news and sports celebrity rumors.” And Joey confirmed as much.

“We sit and throw stones all day long,” Joey said. “I peddle smut – that’s what we do for a living.”

Call me crazy, but Joey just convinced me that he’s not a credible source.

Joey’s point in being on WIP was to inflame a rumor that’s coming to a head about a Ray-Rice-type video and screenshots that supposedly exist – somewhere. Now, this rumor says that Cowboys superstar Dez Bryant is the star of this video – and it’s supposed to be more shocking than the Ray Rice video.

But the rumor is problematic. Up until now, no one has come forward to produce the video. So maybe such a video exists – and maybe it doesn’t.

Personally, I refused to touch the rumor for BlameMyFather – but that’s just me.

Kyle Scott took a different approach on his CrossingBroad website. He choose to discredit the rumor by writing “I Might Be Wrong, But This Dez Bryant Video Thing Sounds Like a Bunch of BS.”

Just click the link to get a full run-down on the rumor – but after you finish reading my story, of course. Kyle’s basic premise was that reliable sources were treating this hearsay and innuendo as if it were fact.

Now, let’s get this out of the way right up front. I don’t know Kyle Scott. I first heard of him a few weeks back when I was listening to Nick Kayal on The Fanatic one night and Nick had Kyle on as a guest. As someone just getting started with my BlameMyFather sports website, I owed it to myself to research CrossingBroad – which I did.

It was interesting and extremely comprehensive. By comparison, CrossingBroad was a corporation and BlameMyFather was a mom-and-pop store. The only thing I didn’t like about it was that many comments by the readers were profane and insulting.

As fate would have it, I exchanged my first tweets ever with Kyle earlier in day when I read his story about Eric Lindros suing former NHL official Paul Stewart. Our exchange focused on the issues of defamation of character and libel.

But back to WIP. A little while after the interview with Joey from TerezOwens ended, Josh Innes mentioned TerezOwens, DeadSpin, and CrossingBroad in the same sentence. Kyle Scott was obviously listening because he tweeted.

kyle scott tweet image

Quickly, Kyle’s tweet was noticed at WIP.

“Now, I gotta say something really quick,” Innes announced on the air. “Because Kyle Scott had mentioned the show on Twitter – from CrossingBroad. He didn’t “at” either one of us – but he quoted something I said on the air when I said I lumped – He says, quote, I lumped CrossingBroad and DeadSpin in with TerezOwens – which I consider them all basically in the same game.”

Innes then started a rant that was a series of pot-shots at Kyle Scott.

“But don’t claim you’re something you’re not,” Innes said. “Your website’s relevant because you posted a video of a guy saying the N-word. It’s not exactly Watergate, dog. So be real. You’re a smut-peddler just like all these other guys are smut-peddlers.

“What are the hottest clicks on a lot of these websites, Tony? It’s gonna be, oh, N-word by a football player or audio from the racist owner of the Clippers. Just acknowledge what you are, I acknowledge what I am. Be self-aware. Be aware of what you are. I know what I am. I’m not a journalist. I’m not a beat writer. I’m a guy that gets on the radio and gives you opinions. You might like them, you might not, but I give you opinions. But be real.

“That’s what I don’t like is when people are on these high horses – and Kyle Scott does that sometimes. Respect the website. You make money off it. Get off your damn high horse on occasion, sir. That’s all I’m sayin’. You’re no different than these other websites.”

Tony Bruno tried to intercede at this point and soften the mood. But he failed to do so.

“You wanta call, Kyle?” Innes challenged. “You’re listening, call.”

Kyle Scott was listening, but he didn’t have to call. When the show went to a commercial break, the producer called Kyle and asked him if he wanted to go on the air. He did.

Innes later stated on the air that he went into Andy Bloom’s office during the break. He said it’s something he often does during breaks to get feedback from Bloom because he respects Bloom’s opinion. But during that break, Innes also mentioned to Bloom that Kyle Scott was waiting on hold.

If you’re unfamiliar with Andy Bloom, he’s listed as the Operations Manager at WIP. Between you and me, Josh Innes is Andy Bloom’s “boy.” I know it and so does anyone who’s familiar with the inner workings at WIP – and this is an issue that flared up as soon as Kyle Scott’s phone call went live after the break.

Josh Innes brought it up with Kyle several times. The discussion went back and forth for a while – and then Andy Bloom burst into the WIP studio and addressed Kyle Scott.

Here, I must add a piece of backstory. During Super Bowl week, in my eyes, Andy Bloom established himself as someone who has no credibility. During that period, he instructed Tony Bruno to record a series of promos. Tony, who was in Arizona for the Super Bowl, said he had no idea what the promos represented. He said that he was just following Bloom’s instructions.

The promos, which aired for several days, announced that Tony and Innes would be teaming up for a new afternoon show. In vague terms, the message implied that Innes had been suspended for some sort of on-air violation and the inaugural show was being delayed for a few days. I wrote “SuspensionGate at WIP” on BlameMyFather on February 5. To read the full story, just click the link.

Anyway, after the first Innes and Bruno Show, Josh Innes spent a few minutes on the air afterward with Brian Haddad, who followed Innes and Bruno that day. Innes told Haddad that he was never suspended. Instead, he spent a few days vacationing in Louisiana drinking beer. On the air, Josh Innes said that the whole thing was a hoax – that it was Andy Bloom’s idea to build interest in his new show with Tony Bruno.

Sorry, Andy Bloom, but that destroys your credibility with me for life.

End of the backstory. Okay, so I left off where Kyle Scott was communicating with Josh Innes on the air, and suddenly Andy Bloom entered the studio and ambushed Kyle Scott.

“Kyle,” Bloom said in testy voice, “nice to finally meet you.”

“Oh, this should be good,” Kyle stage-whispered.

“Kyle,” Bloom attacked, “you are a fraud – a fraud. Let me explain something to you. Let me tell you who my boys are – Angelo, my boy – Al Morganti, my boy – Rhea, my girl – Michael Barkaan, my boy – Ike Reese, my boy – Tony Bruno, my boy – Josh, my boy. Want me to keep goin’?”

“Okay,” Kyle said, and retaliated with a question of his own. “What about Gargano and Ellis? Were they your boys?”

“Ellis, my boy,” Bloom said. “Gargano was my boy for eight years – until Gargano decided he didn’t want to be here. End of discussion.”

“Okay, so where’s the fraud-line come from? I’m perplexed here.”

“You have put so many statements on the website that pretend to know what I’m thinking,” Bloom said, “and they come from various people who may, or may not, be with the radio station – and you don’t even have the decency to check – as anybody would do whether or not they’re real or not. You effect some people’s lives. Some people’s lives you have f-ed over by being a first-rate a-hole.”

“Go ahead,” Kyle said. “Go ahead. Give me an example.”

“I’m done,” Bloom said.

“Give me one example,” Kyle said.

“No, you know.”

“No,” Kyle said. “Give me one example. You can’t throw a statement out like that and then say ‘I’m done.’”

But Andy Bloom was done. He was about to take his ball and go home.

“Call me off the air,” Bloom said.

“You’re no better than me than.”

“Call me off the air. Call me off the air. For once, check your sources, okay. Call me off the air – like most real journalists or reporters would actually do before putting something out as if it were an actual news story. Thanks, goodbye.”

“Okay, hold on,” Kyle said. “No. Oh, you’re gonna disappear now?”

And that’s exactly what Bloom did. He walked out of the room without another word said.

Now, here’s another piece of backstory to enhance your understanding of the last exchange between Bloom and Kyle.

When Andy Bloom paired his “boy” with Tony Bruno, he demoted Rob Ellis from the afternoon spot to the evening spot. But, if you listen to WIP, you already know about that switch.

But what you might not know is that Andy Bloom didn’t have the decency to inform Ellis of the switch in timely fashion. Rob Ellis learned of his demotion by reading “RADIO WARS: Rob Ellis Said He Learned of His Demotion by Reading RADIO WARS” on CrossingBroad. That was the first Rob Ellis heard about it – from Kyle Scott at CrossingBroad instead of from his boss Andy Bloom.

And if Josh Innes isn’t your boy, Andy Bloom, why is the name of the show Innes and Bruno instead of Bruno and Innes? Tony’s been around for decades. Innes is a just-come.

I’ve never met Andy Bloom and don’t care if I ever do. I tried to contact him more than a month ago but had trouble finding contact information. I found contact information for everyone else on the station. For instance, I had no problem finding Cindy Webster’s information and have communicated back and forth with her several times.

Bottom line: What I took out of Wednesday’s events was that Kyle Scott and CrossingBroad – along with myself and BlameMyFather – have more integrity than Andy Bloom – and more credibility.

If you don’t like my comments, Andy Bloom, call me off the air.

Barry Bowe is the author of Born to Be Wild and 1964 – The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.