Fantasy Lesson #1

Last night, I learned Fantasy Lesson #1 – the hard way.

I played nine NBA poolsthree in the Main, Express, and Late Night groupings. To do so, I put together three lineups, but all three lineups contained five players in common:

  1. Tyreke Evans
  2. Brandon Knight
  3. J. J. Redick
  4. Kevin Durant
  5. Jon Leuer

I checked the status of all my players around four p.m. and they were all listed as being in the lineup. Here’s where Fantasy Lesson #1 kicks in – check your lineups as close to tipoff as possible.

I didn’t check – and never saw this tidbit of vital information:
fantasy basketball image

It seems that Jon Leuer sprained his ankle the night before – but didn’t report it. So I played all nine NBA pools one player short. Believe it or not, I still won one of those pools – finishing 22 of 56 in the Late Night grouping with 281.7 points.

fantasy basketball image

But I lost the other eight because I didn’t perform a last-minute check. In my opinion, I would’ve won all nine pools if I’d replaced Jon Leuer with a player who was actually playing.

Lesson Learned. That won’t happen again.


I entered the world of Fantasy Hockey last night by playing two NHL pools. And I’m happy to report that I won both.

  1. Finished 2 of 50 in the Late grouping with 43.9 points.
  2. Finished 6 of 50 in the After Hours grouping with 29.2 points.


I’ll be back at it today – New Year’s Day – in both the NBA and NHL. I’m putting my lineups together right now and you better believe I’ll be performing last-minute checks.

If you’d like to learn more about Fantasy Sports at FanDuel, CLICK HERE.

In addition to being the official Eagles Outsider for, Barry Bowe is also the author of:

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.

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