He’s Being a Dick

He’s Being a Dick

Chapter 2 of my new crime drama The Dead Stripper begins like this:

2 – Lipstick on His Collar

“He’s being a dick,” a female says into her cellphone. Her name’s Jessika but she goes by Jess. She’s talking to her best friend Margo while sitting on a sectional sofa in the living room of her Main Line condominium.

Jess is dressed comfortably in a robe and slippers and holding a glass of wine, half full, in her free hand while the TV’s playing a rerun of Frasier across the room.

“Does he know you got fired?” Margo asks.

“I texted him and said I needed to talk to him.”

“Did he text you back?” Margo asks.

“No. So I called and left the same message on his voicemail. This time I said it was important, but he still didn’t call back. I tried again, and this time I said ‘I got fired, please call me.’”

“And he still didn’t call?” Margo asks.

“No.” Jess swallows what’s left in the wine glass. “I texted him twice more and called him twice more but the dick never got back to me.”

Excerpt for Chapter 2 of The Dead Stripper.

Jess just got fired and she was reaching out to her boyfriend for some solace and compassion. But like Jess said, “the dick never got back to me.”

If you noticed, she was drinking wine ─ and she’d been drinking wine all day. She decides she doesn’t want to spend the night under the same roof with her boyfriend. She realizes she’s legally drunk so she calls for an Uber to take her to her parents’ house in Phoenixville.

The Uber driver who arrives is our handsome young main character Steve Piasecki. Let’s see – she’s distraught because she got fired … she pissed off at her dick boyfriend … and she’s been drinking wine all day.

Could anything possibly happen between the Uber driver and his vulnerable rider?

The Dead Stripper is now available as an ebook and in paper.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

My first book – Born to Be Wild – was published in 1992 and is still selling on Amazon & Kindle. it’s a true story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story took 21 years to play out with many twists & turns. It’s an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.

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