Did I like The Irishman? No. But I love Kill the Irishman.

Outlaw biker Bobby Nauss has sex with his girlfriend, then murders her and disposes of her body. Everyone knows he did it, but no evidence and no witnesses.
Plus, she’s 21 – free to come and go as she pleases. So law enforcement can’t even list her as a missing person. As a result, her father is the only one trying to find the killer.
In addition to being a killer, Nauss will become a major meth dealer and rapist. This true story takes twenty years to play out, with many twists and turns, before justice is served.
Who is Lew Kaminski?
Put him in the same boat with Jack Ryan and Ray Donovan.
The story takes place in the suburbs of Philadelphia during the Age of Aquarius – halfway between Woodstock and the end of the War in Viet Nam – outlaw biker gangs, kidnappings, rapes, and murders – hippies, peaceniks, and flower children.
It’s also the beginning of the era of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.x

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