Manchurian Odds and Ends

Arthur Krim did not want United Artists to make The Manchurian Candidate – but Frank Sinatra did.

Paranoia existed in the United States for good portions of the 1950s and 1960s – the Red Scare – a fear that Russia was trying to take over the U.S. and turn it into a communist country.

In preparation for sneak attacks with Russia dropping bombs on the U.S. – air raid drills regularly took place in schools.

Senator Joe McCarthy held Congressional hearings – asking – Are you now – or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?

United Artists big wig Arthur Krim did not want his studio to make The Manchurian Candidate – but Frank Sinatra did – he was under contract to star in the movie and wanted to collect.

JFK was President at the time – and Sinatra had donated $2-million dollars to his election campaign – Sinatra spoke to JFK – JFK spoke to Arthur Krim – and UA made the movie.

According to author Richard Condon – “That’s the only way the film ever got made. It took Frank going directly to Jack Kennedy.”           

Janet Leigh was married to Tony Curtis – but on the morning she shot the scenes on the train – Curtis’ attorney served her with divorce papers.

Sinatra wanted Lucille Ball to play Laurence Harvey’s mother – but Angela Lansbury got the part – Lansbury was only three years older than Harvey.

In Condon’s novel – mother and son have incestuous sex – but the movie people wouldn’t allow it – so they watered it down to a kiss.

In one scene Sinatra fights Henry Silva karate style – and breaks his wrist in real life – although not serious – the injury lingered for years –  they wanted Sinatra to play Dirty Harry – but he couldn’t hold a gun steady with the wrist – so Clint Eastwood got the part.

 Bad break for Sinatra – good break for Clint.

My name’s Barry Bowe – I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – and my classic outlaw biker saga Born to Be Wild is available at Amazon and Kindle – get your copy while the supply lasts.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.

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