A plot full of twists & turns & surprises.
Got a suggestion from Bill Condon about Marauders. It’s an action, crime, thriller – that’s my bag. But it’s a 2016 production & I don’t watch many movies made after 2010.
But what the hell? Let’s give Condon’s suggestion a shot.

Bruce Willis is one of the stars, so it should be good – 131 credits & only bad movie I saw him in was 1998’s Armageddon where he hooked up with Steven Tyler’s daughter – wow – imagine having to deal with her father – and that makes two bad choices in women when you add in Dummy Moore.
Only other actors I know are Christopher Meloni and Dave Bautista – although I didn’t know Buatista’s name until now. Both were good.
Almost forgot Adrian Grenier – never saw him in anything, but he was also good.
Ladies & gentlemen, you can’t be multi-tasking when you watch this movie. You hafta pay full attention. The plot is full of twists & turns & surprises.
I enjoyed it – probably watch it again – thanks, Bill.
Oh, almost forgot. One of the reasons I don’t like newer movies is CGI. In the opening scene – the bank manager gets knocked through the plate glass bank door – and the breaking of the glass was horrible CGI – in the old days EZ-break glass & a stunt man would make it look real.

IMDB describes Marauders like so:
“When a bank is hit by a brutal heist, all evidence points to the owner and his high-powered clients. But as a group of FBI agents dig deeper into the case – and the deadly heists continue – it becomes clear that a larger conspiracy is at play.”

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and I approve this message.
Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.
The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.
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