From the Desk of Eagles Outsider Barry Bowe
While ratings were down by 10% during the first five weeks of this season, I see the NFL ratings going up this week.
Thanks to the 1:00 p. m. San Francisco 49ers at Buffalo Bills game.
And here are my four reasons:
- In Buffalo, fans will be tuning in to see if the Bills can make it four straight, go to 4-and-2, and establish themselves as viable contenders for either the AFC East or the Wildcard.
- In San Francisco, fans will be tuning in to see if the insertion of a different quarterback can turn around the dismal 1-and-4 start under the leadership of its incompetent coach.
In Philadelphia, fans will be hitting the remote during breaks in the Eagles-Redskins game hoping to see Chip Kelly fall on his ass once again.
- Across the country, red-blooded patriots will be tuning in see if the Bills can break the 49ers quarterback in half.
I’ll be flipping:
- Rooting for the Eagles.
- Wanting to see the 49ers’ QB go down – or at the very least – to produce a dreadful performance.
- Hoping Kelly loses again. He lost his last two games with the Eagles in 2015 and four of his first five games on the West Coast. That gives him six losses in his last seven games. If I’m the GM in San Fran, he’s not my coach.
One of the prime catalysts for the ratings downturn is the 49ers second-string quarterback who’s starting against the Bills on Sunday. He’s been pissing off fans who believe in the American Way of Life since he started kneeling during the Anthem. Many of whom served our country. Many of whom lost loved ones serving our country.
Follow the Pussy
I’ve written more than 100 magazine articles about murder cases – true cases, not fiction – plus the book Born to Be Wild. In the process, I worked with some of the best homicide detectives on the face of the planet. Many gave me this tip about solving difficult cases: Follow the Pussy.
Over and over again, killer’s wives, girlfriends, and side-pieces divulge information that cooks the killers and leads to their arrest. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes on purpose.
Let’s face it, men become vulnerable when sex comes into play – inserting the cliche “Men get soft when they get hard.” And that fact will never change.
In the case of the 49ers quarterback, the theory holds true. The pussy-in-question belongs to Nessa Diab. I never heard of this person before researching this article. Seems she’s a star on MTV. But I stopped watching MTV decades ago when they strayed from the music format that put the station on the map. So I have no idea.
Fox News claims the quarterback’s “conversion to social activism” occurred after he started dating her somewhere back in 2015. Soon thereafter, the quarterback started:
- Posting about Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, and the Black Panther Movement.
- Posting about Malcolm X.
- Converted to Islam
Fox News described Diab like so:
- Islamist.
- Prominent activist in Black Lives Matter.
- Communist sympathizer.
- Supporter of Fidel Castro.
- Someone outspoken “about perceived racial injustices and ‘Islamaphobia’ in the U.S.”
By the way, the Islam ideology oppressed women for thousands of years. No right to vote or participate in any leadership role without permission of their father or husband. Believes in manipulation of society to conform to Sharia Law. Against equality and justice, Uses violence and oppression to subjugate its subjects.
As a parting shot, let’s take a look at a photo of the quarterback’s girlfriend – although they may be betrothed by now.
Does she look like the “Typical Muslim woman” we see walking around?
Does Sharia Law allow the installation of implants?
Hey, quarterback, wake the fuck up. Here’s the way I see it going:
- She steers you away from a prenup.
- She marries a multi-million-dollar quarterback.
- She bears a kid or two, dumps your sorry ass, and walks away with half of everything.
Manipulation at its finest.
In addition to being the official Eagles Outsider for – Barry Bowe is also the author of:
- Born to Be Wild
- 1964 – The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant
- 12 Best Eagles QBs
- Birth of the Birds
- Soon-to-be-published sexy, police procedural Caribbean Queen
- Soon-to-be-published novel Stosh Wadzinski
- Soon-to-be-published novel Polish Widow
- Work-in-Progress A Fuckin All-American
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