Stupid But Rich

morris twins imageTwins Marcus and Markieff Morris – from Philadelphia and players on the Phoenix Suns – were indicted by a Maricopa County grand jury on Tuesday. The twins were charged with felonious assault for beating a man outside a Phoenix recreation center back on January 24.

It seems the victim, Erik Hood, had committed the heinous offense of sending inappropriate text messages to the twins’ mother. So the brothers decided to avenge their mother’s honor.

The twins knew their victim well. Erik Hood, age 36, contends that he was a basketball mentor to the twins during their days at Philly’s Prep Charter High and at the University of Kansas.

So the twins – in the neighborhood of 6-foot-10 and 240 pounds – got three stooges to accompany them, and all five of them went out to kick some ass. One of their cohorts was Gerald Bowman, a USC safety and potential NFL draft pick next week. The five men drove to the site of a youth basketball game that they knew Erik Hood was attending, and they waited outside to ambush him.

When Erik Hood exited the game – accompanied by a woman – he was approached a member of the twins’ entourage. That man was 25-year-old Julius Kane – who stopped Hood and engaged him in conversation.

In the midst of that dialogue, another member of the twins’ entourage crept up behind Erik Hood and punched in the back of the head. Knocked to the ground, Hood tried to protect himself while five men punched him and kicked him.

After the beating ended, the five attackers got into a Rolls Royce Phantom that was parked nearby and they fled the scene.

Hood went to a nearby hospital where he was treated for a broken nose, a large lump on the back of the head, and assorted abrasions.

When a reporter from the Arizona Republic newspaper got wind of the incident, he approached the twins for comment. Both denied knowing Erik Hood.

But Erik Hood knew his attackers well and identified them to law enforcement.

When questioned by the police, the twins denied any knowledge of the attack. However, a witness identified both Marcus and Markieff Morris as having participated in the beating.

An investigation ensued:

“Because the offense occurred at a basketball tournament with over 100 in attendance, including many youth under the age of 18, the Phoenix Police detective assigned to this investigation was tasked with tracking down and interviewing all who may have been witness to the assault, including out-of-state attendees. After weeks of interviews and information-gathering, the detective was able to present a cognitive investigation to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office for review.”

My take:

• What could Erik Hood have said in a text message that would provoke such a response?

• How dumb are the Morris twins?

• Did they think that at 6-10 they would blend into the crowd?

• Did they think that no one would notice a Rolls Royce leaving the scene of the crime?

• Did they think that the police were dumb enough to believe their lies?

• Are they such punks and cowards that they needed the help of three other dopes to beat the crap out of Erik Hood?

The twins first court appearance is slated for May 7.

By the way, the Phoenix Suns signed the twins to new contracts this season – Markieff got $32-million and Marcus $20-million.

Stupid but rich.

My solution: Put the Morris twins in the same cell with former NFL running back Lawrence Phillips.

Barry Bowe is the author of Born to Be Wild, 1964 – The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant, and 12 Best Eagles QBs.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.