Training Day is one of the most brutal movies I ever saw.
I saw 2001’s Training Day when it came out – but all I remembered was the naked scene with Eva Mendez.
Watched the movie last night – and saw one of the most shocking – most brutal movies ever – got my adrenaline flowing so much I stayed awake for the whole thing.

MDB describes it like so:
“A rookie cop spends his first day as a Los Angeles narcotics officer with a rogue detective who isn’t what he appears to be.”
An understatement.
Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke are the stars – I’m no casting director – but woulda found someone better than Hawke – his name should be Ethan Hack.
Love Denzel, as always, but his role was brutal..
Eva Mendez is there for the nude scene – once won a contest by pitting her against Salma Hayek in a mud wrestling match – in the nude – more about another time.
Scott Glenn in a supporting role.
Got to a scene with these two guys – hey, I know them.
Yep – that’s Tuco from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul and Cliff Harris from one of my favorite movies – a detective trying to nail Anthony Hopkins for murdering his wife in Fracture
Cameo appearances by Tom Berenger – why? – added nothing – and Harris Yulin – saw him in a buncha pictures – just learned his name.
Lest I be called racist – let’s add these two names – Dr. Dre – heard his name but no idea who he is – and scumbag Snoop Dog.
Once while eating breakfast with my Favorite Son in Venice Beach – he walked in – didn’t ask him to join us.
I musta liked the movie because I watched the whole thing – there was a climax at the end – but disappointed there was no denouement to find out what happened to Hack – I mean Hawke.
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Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.
The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.
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