What Type Bettor Are You?


No matter whether you’re playing games of skill, or games of chance, most bettors tend to fall into one of three categories:

(1) The Hare

(2) The Name Dropper

(3) The Tortoise

The same holds true when playing fantasy sports.

The Hare

hare imageThe Hare likes to shoot for the moon.

He wants to cash in as much as possible as fast as possible. He might not even care about the sport involved and he may not enjoy watching the games on TV or in person. He cares about winning a lot of money and he wants to do it now.

He may have heard about someone making a killing in fantasy sports and he wants his share. He’s looking for high risks and high rewards. If he doesn’t hit the jackpot quickly, he’s likely to blow his bankroll quickly and/or move on to another endeavor.

The Name Dropper

mike trout imageThe Name Dropper is looking for big names – like LeBron James in basketball, Tom Brady in football, and Mike Trout in baseball. He likes the big names and he’s willing to pay for them.

But after he gets “his man,” he’s got to juggle less-productive players at the other positions to stay under the salary cap.

The Tortoise

tortoise imageThe Tortoise is willing to grind out a long-term profit over time. He likes to compete, enjoys the challenge, and manages his bankroll well.

He loves the sport involved and loves watching it.

He’s wants to play long-term and is looking for low risks and low rewards that will gradually and systematically grow his bankroll into something substantial.

If he manages his money properly, there’s no reason why he can’t show a profit – provided he’s sharp enough.

First Three Steps in Getting Started

Step One – Identify yourself as a bettor.

Step Two – Define your bankroll in terms of discretionary dollars.

Step Three – Learn how to manage your bankroll so you can withstand losing streaks.

That’s it for Chapter One. Put a little thought into it and take those first three steps.

Chapter Two will cover Money Management.

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If you’ve yet to open an account at FanDuel, enter the Code BMF100 to receive a matching bonus up to the first $200 you deposit. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.

Barry Bowe is author of Born to Be Wild, 1964 – The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant, and 12 Best Eagles QBs.

Written by Barry Bowe
Former sportswriter - first to put Timmy Duncan's name on the sports page.